Hand in Hand - Friends for Ghana e.V. is a non- governmental organisation with the goal to invest sustainably in the development of Ghana with the principles of sustainability, immediacy and networking. Our organisation is founded on a long-term, close friendship which has been strengthened not least by the common Catholic parish “Heilige Drei Könige" in the south of Cologne. We have all different kind of occupations - we work in public service, are tax consultants, lawyers, housewives, mothers and fathers, schoolchildren and students - infact, our children participate as a second generation. But what do we have in common? We want to make a difference, with a lot of hope, ambition and heart and with different kinds of talents, ideas and experiences among each other.
The contact to Abofour in the Ashanti region in Ghana to Pastor Peter Kwasi Sarpong has been existing for many years now. Thinking of Abofour and Ghana nowadays, for us is thinking of a second home, feeling welcomed and happy about our deep friendship and the great gratitude at site. After individual donations in cases of problems, e.g. for a well construction, our good friendship to Ghana finally gave rise to the idea of a more long-term and sustainable help. Thus we founded our association "Hand in Hand - Friends fir Ghana e.V." on 17.04.2016. We have been working for almost 4 years now with full heart and ambition on our project - and this purely honorary. All arising costs, this includes trips to Ghana, information events with journeys, visits of partners from Ghana etc. are always paid out of our own pocket. Only in this way can we ensure that every cent donated benefits the families and children in Ghana.